Organising items for a composite board helped to focus the mind on the next steps towards the final design choice.
There would be lots of stops on the way as to whether I should go back to the starting blocks! Sian's report back notes on 'Design thinking for an accessory' gave much food for thought and decided to try and 'keep away from too many tricks and to concentrate on marrying technique and design' think I may have failed already as the composite board already looks too busy now its posted!
There would be lots of stops on the way as to whether I should go back to the starting blocks! Sian's report back notes on 'Design thinking for an accessory' gave much food for thought and decided to try and 'keep away from too many tricks and to concentrate on marrying technique and design' think I may have failed already as the composite board already looks too busy now its posted!
Ref 3.11.1
Constantly swithering as to whether I should stick with working on the sample 3.10.10, see below or play more with the idea of 3.10.7b, seen above in the central photo. I decided to include more negative space elements into the 3.10.10. Compromise is not always the best course and does not stop the nagging doubts. Your will see my conclusions on this choice at the end!
Looking at the basic shape and taking off the 'features' I decided to take advice and to play with the mask and draw other options around the mask on paper.
Cutting the eyes so they were symmetrical and
See detail in 3.11.3a and 3b shows how a paper template helped decide to cut!
In order to give the mask a third dimension and shaping I concentrated on the area around the nose. It was supported by wire mesh covered in perle herringbone while all other support was given by adding wire to strengthen the scroll cords. Ref 3.11.2
Ref 3.11.4b Ref 3.11.4a Ref 3.11.4c
The mask is tied to the head using organza cords seen originally in 3.10.10 as potential scrolls. Ref 3.11.4d
And now 3.11.5!
There is still a feeling that I should have chosen the more open design using my thrums and bondaweb/chiffon! I liked the simplicity of the open design but felt it needed to stay unembellished and would not fit the brief of a resolved sample using aspects of module 3. I did consider merging the two but that would have been a step too far! It brings to mind another Robert Frost poem, The Road not Taken, ....' long I stood'......
'Oh, I kept the first for another day!'.
Background details