Sunday, 29 June 2014

Chapter 12 a: Resolved Sample - initial ideas

Now to pull it all together, thoughts, textures, shapes, paper, fabric, stitch, threads and touch.  A plethora of samples but the need to hit simple concepts that pull them all together and make an impact.  I became bogged down in worrying about final shape and sketched various ideas; vases, picture, cushions, 3D maps and when I thought of a wedge shaped cover for a cheese board knew I was loosing the plot!  Rejected lots of sample drawings and headed for cover! That could be my route out...The sketch bookcover, but perhaps not... 
Ref 5.12.1b
Ref 5.12.1a
A day away from even thinking about the matter at hand...Returning back and going over the  pictures three images stood out.
Ref 5.12.1c
 The third image proved to be the most compulsive!  My idea of the sketch book cover was fast disappearing - its size was daunting and I was coming to the conclusion that I wanted to use my samples in Chapter 10 as a cover!
But a thought that becoming overwhelmingly attractive was the thought of making a piece of jewellery and the right hand image of Ref 5.12.c offered inspiration. The plan would be to ensure that a combination of textures that appeared in the other samples in Ref 5.12.1 c were used.  But then the concern, would this piece be large enough...should I progress this development?  Some paper models would help me decide but I felt that different depths of 'stones' could be worked.  Would separate samples that were linked by threads be acceptable? Perhaps another pause is needed... Could this be the colour theme blacks, bronze and golds. 
Ref 5.12.2
Paper thread and tissue paper on left with threads and fabric pieces machine stitched on soluble fabric.  On the right a range of black fabrics: velvet, cotton, felt interspersed by gold/bronze silks, gold lame and chiffon with silk throwsters and dyed and crochet thread. 


  1. Fascinating to see your thinking process Judith. I'll look forward to seeing how it develops.
