Ref page 60 a Ref page 60b
But as the saying goes - plans went astray. Cutting the top row on the diagonal, as per sample 59 b iii, looked a bit insipid and decided to to use both rows to get a better tonal contrast. I could have rearranged into other patterns but I got hooked on seeing the possibilities in these two design joining in different directions.
Reg page 61
The top section, a combination of bleached samples, 41 c and e, that were then stitched to add textural interest were then added to the bottom section where the muslin sample, 38b, was bondawebbed to calico which added weight and depth of colour . The surface was then stitched with a white to dark grey ombre thread. This gavetonal contrast that was random as to what colour of fabric was under the needle when the stitch was made.
However, did you get a feeling that the bondaweb may not be a good idea? Well it made fabric easier to work with but of course the reverse side was not nearly as interesting. But here goes and the cutting and stitching started. When reversing seams I stitched down with an ombre thread to cut down the plain calico and inserted piped pieces of fabric to give contrast and directional lines.
The result:
Ref sample page 62
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